Benesse UK supporting CIMSPA External Quality Assurance for education partners
Benesse UK director, Matthew Roberts, Fellow of the Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA) joined other members of the CIMSPA Quality Assurance Associate (QAA) Team at the CIMSPA offices at Sports Park, Loughborough University for the inaugural standardisation meeting hosted by Colin Heffen, Head of Education at CIMSPA and Scheme Administrator Jane Mellors.
As a member of the QAA team, Matthew has been selected to undertake the following on behalf of CIMSPA:
conducts external quality assurance visits to education partners
contributes to the evaluation of prospective education partners
attends standardisation and training meetings
demonstrates a commitment to maintaining professional competence through CPD.
CIMSPA is committed to supporting Sport England as part of the government’s overall ‘Sporting Future’ vision.
The strategy places CIMSPA at the centre of sector workforce development, with a mandate to extend the reach of its quality assured training and CPD offer for all sport and physical activity professionals.
Under the strategy, Sport England’s goals include that:
Every sector training provider is working within the CIMSPA endorsement and quality assurance system by 2021.
50% of the workforce will be engaged with CIMSPA-accredited CPD and the number of CIMSPA employer partners will have doubled, within the same timescale.
A new Workforce Diversity Fund will be created to support organisations looking to ensure their workforce reflects the communities it serves.
The strategy confirms CIMSPA’s role as a lead partner for both government and Sport England in the delivery of the strategy’s five key outcomes, to ensure that everyone in the UK can benefit from the power of sport and physical activity.